Illarra, Nacho, Casemiro and Jesús held a Bwin clinic with Madrid fans Images

“It is an intimate event and it's important that those who love this club have a good time with us", said The Whites' players at the end of the act. 
Illarra, Nacho, Casemiro and Jesús were the protagonists of a meeting with 19 winners of the Bwin Skill Series. The four made the fans' day by playing with them on pitch nine, whilst also giving them a tour of the Ciudad Real Madrid. Afterwards they all posed for photographs together.

The fans couldn't hide their joy at sharing a pitch with the players. "It was both fun and special for us. They were so nice", said Luis Rivillos, who won a shirt signed by the whole team. The winners of the Bwin iniciative came from countries including Spain, Israel, Italy, Belgium, France, Germany and the UK, and were divided into four groups on the pitch.

The first, headed up by Nacho took free kicks. In the second, lead by Casemiro, they fired balls at holes in the goal, which held values of 10, 20 and 30 points. Dodging objects and then scoring were the exercises done alongside Illarra in the third group, whilst Jesús' players had to try and knock down bottles balanced on the crossbar. To finish, they all played a game.

Illarra: “We're hoping to win the Champions League"
“They're fans who follow the side and it's great to spend some time with them because we can make their dreams of meeting us come true. You have fun and spend a nice bit of time with the fans.

“We all want to win the Champions League, but there's a long way to go. We are on the right path, we should carry on as we are and we hope to, with help from the fans, get to the win and win the tournament. In the league we started out pretty average, but now we're in the hunt and we need to carry on playing well to try and achieve our objectives".

Nacho: “Our objective is to go game by game”
“I have a lot of fun doing these events because it's important that the fans who love this club can have a good time alongside us".
“Our objective is to go game by game and it's hard, but we will try to win the league and the Champions League. The fact the league is so close only spurs us on".

Jesús: “I'm motivated by sharing a goal with Iker and Diego”
“I feel good because we've helped make the dreams of a group of fans come true. You never know, one of them could sign for the team. Some of them are good".

“We're very motivated because the league is much tighter than normal. We are top and we will fight all we can to achieve our objective against the other two sides that have the same objective".

Casemiro: “We're going to do everything we can to win the league”
“It's a cosy event that's great fun. In my group there were some quality players who with the right training could go places. With respect to the league, all I can say is that we will do everything we can to win it".